KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Central Kentucky KFTC members encourage local officials to take a stand on voting rights

Posted by: Ondine Quinn on May 14, 2012

mtg. with steve kayThe Central Kentucky chapter has been making the rounds within the Lexington city council to talk to local officials about KFTC's restoration of voting rights for former felons campaign and to encourage them to publicly support voting rights for all people.

KFTC has been working very hard during the last several years within the general assembly to gain traction on HB70 - a bill that would automatically restore voting rights to non-violent offenders once they've served their time. Each year more progress has been made, but chapter members wanted something they could focus on locally and outside of the general assembly that could educate people about the need for this legislation if Kentucky can ever expect to have a healthy and working democracy.

The primary election is only one week away!

Posted by: Ondine Quinn on May 14, 2012

Appalachian Citizens Law Center celebrates 10 years

Posted by: Jerry Hardt on May 13, 2012

KFTC members joined in congratulating, thanking and celebrating with the Appalachian Citizens Law Center this past weekend as ACLC celebrated its 10th anniversary.

"ACLC is a great asset to the region, for all the people and organizations who struggle against the consequences and causes of irresponsible coal extraction and processing," said KFTC Chairperson Steve Boyce.

Voter Guides in your mailbox!

Posted by: Dave Newton on May 13, 2012

IMG_4824By this point, most of our members and other friends should have received a copy of KFTC's Voter Guide in the mail.  In all, we printed 17,162 and mailed most of them.  We'll be passing out the last of the remaining 2,000 at various community events over the next 8 days.

In addition to the statewide Congressional race guide, we have inserts for Louisville, Lexington, Northern Kentucky, and Georgetown covering various local races.

And www.KentuckyElection.org has gotten over 5,000 page views in recent days and has all of the same information from our Voter Guides, plus voting locations and a few late responses from candidates. Please check it out and share it widely with friends through email and social networking sites like Facebook.

KFTC House Party on Wallins Creek!

Posted by: Tanya Turner on May 9, 2012

Last week New Power Leader Jack Ball welcomed friends and neighbors into his home for some good food, a great film, and conversation about his vision for Harlan County and beyond. Folks attending the party watched I Was There: The First Thirty Years of Kentuckians for the Commonwealth and heard why Jack believes in KFTC.  


KFTC Members Vote! - Even in Primaries

Posted by: Dave Newton on May 7, 2012

We have a Primary Election two weeks from today on Tuesday May 22nd and KFTC members across the state have been encouraging people to vote and helping to educate about the candidates.  

We've been crunching some numbers based on voter files and have found that an average of 73% of KFTC members who are eligible vote in any given  Primary Election.  This compares to a 25% average turnout amongst eligible Kentuckians as a whole.

Upcoming Solar Energy Workshops

Posted by: Nancy Reinhart on May 7, 2012

The Kentucky Solar Partnership and Appalachia - Science in the Public Interest, with the support of the Mountain Association for Community Economic Development (MACED), Johnson Controls, Inc., the Franklin County Cooperative Extension Service, and Kentucky State University, present a series of introductory and advanced training classes on solar photovoltaic system design and installation practices.
Full workshop descriptions and registration information can be found at www.kysolar.org. Financial support with low-interest loans covering up to 100% of registration fees plus grants for travel expenses is available to residents of eastern Kentucky, thanks to the support from MACED.

Organizing and Water Testing Training Saturday, May 12th

Posted by: Kevin Pentz on May 7, 2012

Rick Handshoe using a conductivity meter in a creek.KFTC is hosting an Organizing and Water Testing Training Saturday May 12th, from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM at the Floyd County Public Library in downtown Prestonsburg. This workshop will focus on helping KFTC members identify streams they want to begin testing and then developing skills to reach out and involve members in the local community in order to build community ownership in understanding the results of the initial testing.

KFTC Chapter Armchair Seminar: How to have great one on one conversations

Posted by: Carissa Lenfert on May 6, 2012

Tonight KFTC members participated in the second Chapter Development Armchair Seminar.  This seminar focused on how to have one-on-one conversations with others to build people power and stronger ch

KentuckyElection.org is online! See where the candidates stand on our issues

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on May 6, 2012

With this year's primary election coming up in just over 2 weeks on Tuesday, May 22nd, we've been working hard to compile responses from a variety of candidates in federal, state, and local races. Soon, we'll mail our Voter Guides to all of our members and begin to hand them out at tabling events around the state, but we've also put them online for anyone to read. You can find all of the responses we've received at www.KentuckyElection.org.


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