KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Tax and budget bill is signed into law

Posted by: Jessica Hays on February 12, 2009

Remembering Zachary Sieben

Posted by: Martin Richards on February 12, 2009

HB 70 Passes House!

Posted by: Dave Newton on February 11, 2009

Tell Congress We Wanted Clean, Green Jobs for A Better Future

Posted by: Martin Richards on February 11, 2009

Green job webpage

Restoration Lobby Day this past Tuesday

Posted by: Dave Newton on February 11, 2009

Reynolds Wins Senate Special Election

Posted by: Dave Newton on February 10, 2009

LEO covers Voting Rights Lobby Day

Posted by: Dave Newton on February 10, 2009

Voting Rights Lobby Day and Rally Tomorrow

Posted by: Dave Newton on February 8, 2009

Warren/Butler County Senate Election this Tuesday

Posted by: Dave Newton on February 7, 2009

vote checkmark

Bowling Green Lobby Training

Posted by: Dave Newton on February 6, 2009


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