| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Blue Ribbon public meeting: Eastern Kentucky members speak of fairness, opportunities and good jobs

Last night was the penultimate Blue Ribbon Tax Reform Commission public input meeting, and eastern Kentucky KFTC members showed up and spoke powerfully to the need for economic policies that are just and that allow for opportunities for every Kentuckian, including good jobs in eastern Kentucky.

Nineteen people spoke at the Prestonsburg meeting, 8 of them KFTC members.

  • Connie Brooks, a single mother of three, told the commissioners that progressive changes to our tax structure are needed to better fund her kids' school, where her son can't even take his textbook home.
  • Allyson Williams, also from Prestonsburg, also addressed the panel as a parent, and spoke up for the need for progressive taxes, including an EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit).  
  • Russell Oliver from Perry County spoke about the need for a more diversified economy in East Kentucky, and how access to quality education, from early childhood to higher ed, is an integral part of good job creation. 
  • Cleveland Smith, also from Perry County, told the commissioners about his return to school, and how tuition increases are a big concern, urging them to pass progressive reforms.
  • Erik Lewis and Bob Burns came down from Rowan County to speak up for common sense reforms "for a better Kentucky."

 Below are some photos and video clips Enjoy! Remember, if you haven't made it out to a meeting, the last one is in Lexington on August 21!

Prestonsburg blue ribbon hearing 1  Prestonsburg blue ribbon hearing 2


Prestonsburg blue ribbon hearing 3 

Prestonsburg blue ribbon hearing group

IMG 0728 from Kentuckians For The Commonwealth on Vimeo.

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