Calling on Thayer to Hear our Voting Rights Bill | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Calling on Thayer to Hear our Voting Rights Bill


Yesterday in Frankfort there were around 20 members and allies who came to sit in Damon Thayer’s Senate State and Local Government Committee to be a silent but visible presence calling for HB 70  (our bill to allow most former felons the right to vote once they have served their debt to society) to be heard. 

Senator Thayer again refused to hear the bill, of course, but our constant pressure is important to getting the bill heard in the long run.  Our group carried signs and many of our people sat in the front row.  There was no mistaking who we were or what we wanted.

Senator Robin Webb opened up the meeting by welcoming us, acknowledging our persistent work on behalf of HB 70, and recognized the fact that we are still being excluded from some parts of the process. She then asked us all to stand up and Chairman Thayer thanked us for participating.


Before the meeting, KFTC leader and former felon Tayna Fogle went directly up to Thayer and asked him to hear the bill. He thanked her for her enthusiasm. She said that the best way to show his appreciation is to call the bill!

After the meeting Jerry Moody went up to him and asked him to hear the bill the next day in a special meeting of the same committee.  He refused that as well, but some of our members committed to come back and sit in the front row again, calling upon Thayer to hear the bill.

We doubt the bill will be called today, either, but with the strong dedication of our members and allies, we are confident that it will happen sooner or later.  The sooner the better.

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