| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Central Kentucky lobby training report back

The central Kentucky chapter hosted a lobby training last Saturday at Maxwell Street Presbyterian church in Lexington. Almost 30 people came out to learn about our various lobby priorities in 2011.



 The goals for the training were to 1. familiarize folks with lobbying and lobby related activities and 2. to teach people about our six lobby priorities for this session. We began the training with what for some folks may have been a refresher - how a bill becomes a law and what is the difference between paid lobbyists and ourselves. The discussion was very lively and folks contributed several stories about their own experiences lobbying in Frankfort.


We talked about KFTC's lobby priorities in 2011 and then folks broke out into small groups to learn the specifics about immigrant's rights, clean energy, protecting Kentucky's rivers and streams, tax reform, voting rights and LGBTIQ fairness.

 Finally, folks signed up to come along w/ KFTC to several big lobby days. If you're interested in joining us for any of these you can either show up for the carpools which normally leave from the Versailles Rd. Save-A-Lot at 8:15am, or get in touch with Ondine at [email protected]

Thursday Feb 3rd - Economic Justice Lobby day

Tuesday Feb 8th - Immigrant's Rights

Thursday Feb. 10th - Clean Energy

Monday Feb 14th - I love mountains day

Wednesday Feb 23rd - Fairness

Thursday Feb 24th - Voting Rights

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