KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Herald-Leader flooded with letters

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on February 24, 2008

Rally for Higher Education in Frankfort

Posted by: Dave Newton on February 19, 2008

UK Restoration of Voting Rights Event at UK Tonight

Posted by: Dave Newton on February 18, 2008

Videos from the rally

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on February 18, 2008

Along with the many, many people who were taking photos at Thursday's I

1,200+ come out for I Love Mountains Day

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on February 14, 2008
"I really enjoyed the rally and all of the speakers. I am so glad that many people came out and are concerned about what's going on in our communities.

Photos from the I Love Mountains Day rally

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on February 13, 2008

I Love Mountains Day starts with a bang

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on February 13, 2008

Have you read the paper lately?

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on February 11, 2008

In the past few days the issues we work on have been featured pretty prominent in the news.

Talking about Mountaintop Removal at the So Sweet Fair

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on February 11, 2008


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