KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Central Kentucky closes the year with a potluck celebration.

Posted by: Ondine Quinn on January 2, 2011

Each year the central Kentucky chapter celebrates their hard work with a holiday party. Members came through out the evening to share stories, eat and be merry.

Music for the Mountains- CD Release Party!

Posted by: Joe Gallenstein on December 22, 2010

White House Forum on Environmental Justice

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on December 14, 2010


Citizen motion to intervene considered

Posted by: jerry on December 14, 2010

Several Towns Declare State of Emergency Due to Water Shortage

Posted by: Willa Johnson on December 10, 2010

KFTC Lobby Day and New Citizen Lobby Orientation

Posted by: Carissa Lenfert on December 8, 2010


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