Communicating Our New Power Economy | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Communicating Our New Power Economy

We might know all sorts of budget numbers, tax statistics, and studies that tell us about the factors that weigh in to where business owners decide to locate and hire, but we still won't get very far in a conversation with someone about tax reform unless they have a useful frame for the facts and figures.

This – calling up frames that challenge many of the dominant frames that have been handed down for more than a generation – was the focus of Saturday's training, "Communicating Our New Power Economy." KFTC members and allies gathered together to share an analysis of Kentucky's political and economic landscape, and to suss out the opportunities to lift up conversations about tax justice. All this to led to a presentation by Public Works (until recently a project of Demos and a national research, education and training program focusing on communicating about taxes and the role of government) about how we can lift up our values, our vision, and our shared solutions in a way that empowers our friends and neighbors to think differently about taxes and our government.

We hope to have the presentation available for viewing online soon!

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