Don't let closed doors keep you out. This is everyone's budget. | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Don't let closed doors keep you out. This is everyone's budget.

The Lexington Herald-Leader blog reports that Senate President David Williams, House Speaker Greg Stumbo, and Gov. Steve Beshear are meeting behind closed doors to discuss how to address our budget shortfall.

It's possible that these three are hatching a plan to raise revenue fairly through real, comprehensive reforms.  But it's likely that they aren't, and that cuts are a bigger part of the focus than they should be.

Education, health services, environmental protection, college affordability — all have been compromised by years of chronic underinvestment.  Last year's demand to "tighten the belt" felt senseless because it didn't acknowledge the reality that these services and programs were already starved for funding.  Can we afford more cuts?

And can we afford the job losses?  As unemployment skyrockets — especially here in Kentucky, with a state economy so dependent on manufacturing jobs — can we really afford to keep up a trend that has already lead to layoffs and job cuts?  KCTCS, our community and technical college system, has cut 240 jobs across the state.   According to the Kentucky School Boards Association, 975 teachers, aides, and staff have lost their jobs with Kentucky schools because of the budget cuts.  On top of this are the layoffs and closings in family service and community health centers.  Is cutting budgets and cutting jobs what we want to be doing now?

Of course not!  Now is the time we most urgently need revenue reforms that are fair and adequate.  One set of solutions is our tax plan, which would raise much needed revenue while cutting the taxes of low- and moderate-income working families, making our tax structure fairer and more adequate.

Kentucky's budget belongs to all of us.  It doesn't belong behind closed doors.  As state leaders have these discussions, take a minute to offer your thoughts!


Take Action!

Call Governor Beshear, Senator Williams, and Speaker Stumbo, and tell them that Kentuckians have been hurt enough.  Kentucky needs real tax and revenue reforms that are fair and adequate.

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Legislative Message Line at 1-800-372-7181 any time from 7 a.m. until 11 p.m.
Leave a message for David Williams, Greg Stumbo, and your own legislators.

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