| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Earth Day in Georgetown


Yesterday was Earth Day at Georgetown College, sponsored by the Georgetown Sustainability Initiative. 

KFTC tabled, talking to people about Appalachian Transition, coal mining, and recycling, plus our work in solidarity with the campaign for a non-discrimination policy at Georgetown College.  KFTC member Cristian Nunez also made a membership ask from the stage, and we managed to recruit 5 new KFTC members!

You can find a few other pictures of the event here.

This is one of an exciting series of events at Gerogetown College this week focused on non-discrimination work.  Other events include a big rally on Friday and many, many other activities. 

Additionally, we recently started an online petition here for a non-discrimination policy at Georgetown College.  Please sign it and pass it along to others.   

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