| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Growing Appalachia On Mountain Talk

Floyd and Knott County KFTC members have been busy preparing for the 3rd Annual Growing Appalachia conference this Saturday at the Jenny Wiley Convention Center in Prestonsburg, Kentucky.  The day will feature a range of workshops for the beginner and experienced alike on topics from small-scale farming and forestry to energy efficiency and solar applications. Wednesday Floyd County members Nathan Hall and Todd Howard and Knott County member, Fern Nafziger took to the airwaves on WMMT's "Mountain Talk" to be guests on a special "Growing Appalachia" edition!

Growing Appalachia on WMMT!

The show, hosted by Sylvia Ryserson and engineered by Brett Ratliff, both Letcher County members, focused on what guests could expect from the conference tomorrow. Todd told us about his experiences at the last two conferences and the knowledge he's been putting to use in his own commercial greenhouse. Todd has been a driving force behind the Floyd County Farmer's Market and hopes to connect with new growers to expand the Farmer's Market this year! Fern gave us a preview of the workshop she's co-presenting with MACED's Chris Woollery on the How$mart program and money-saving energy-efficiency solutions that we can all easily do ourselves. Nathan spoke of his work with Green Forests Work and his workshop concerning strip mine reforestation and how the lands can be converted back to native hardwood forests while providing feedstocks for distributed renewable energy.

Growing Appalachia on WMMT!

Thanks WMMT, Sylvia and Brett for helping make this possible. The show can be streamed from WMMT's website by following this link

It's not too late to sign up for Growing Appalachia! The event is free and open to the public. Click here for a schedule of the day and to register at the bottom of the page. Hope to see you there!





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