Pike Pride
Join us in celebrating Pikeville's inaugural LGBTQ+ Pride event!
There will be music, performers, familiy friendly activities, and general joy.
Pikeville Pride Celebration
Join us in celebrating Pikeville's inaugural LGBTQ+ Pride event!
There will be music, performers, familiy friendly activities, and general joy.
Members Host Constitutional Convention Workshops!
Late last year members of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth and allies began to notice an increased presence of organizations working to pass a call for a constitutional convention in Kentucky. We began to work closely with allies to learn more about the issue, and came out in force to help make sure that the proposed 'con con' didn't receive a vote in the last General Assembly.
Jefferson County Annual Chapter Meeting
Join us for our 2013 Jefferson County Annual Chapter meeting. We will be electing new leaders, celebrating work and victories over the past year and much more!
Madison County chapter meeting reportback
Madison County members had a full agenda for their March chapter meeting. They started it off, as always, with a fun, engaging icebreaker. This month, people were asked to share what is their favorite dinosaur, which led to moments of learning and laughter.
After reviewing the agenda, members dove into an exercise led by Betty Hibler and Meta Mendel-Reyes where people were asked to think about the first time they were aware of their whiteness or an instance where they were made aware of your race. People in the room broke into small groups for these discussions and came back together to share their experiences. Dorie Hubbard shared a story about being a student in the 1950s in an integrated school. During a program at this integrated school, when a white student and black student started to dance the jitterbug together on stage, the curtains were quickly closed on them. Other members shared instances of where they had to grabble with what it felt like to be a minority, while others talked about how they didn’t become aware of issues surrounding race until they were young adults. Members have used space in chapter meetings since January to have mini-workshops and conversations, so that they are continually thinking about racial justice and diversity.

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