| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Hal Rogers and the House budget proposal

Rep. Hal Rogers represents Kentucky's 5th Congressional District, which runs throughhal rogers part of southeast Kentucky. Rep. Rogers is also the new chair of the House Appropriations and Revenue Committee. As chair of that committee, Rogers steers the House's proposals on how to fund all the vital functions of our federal government. Under his leadership, the House has put forth a budget that would have serious impacts on our nation, very much including Kentucky.

Congress must agree on a budget proposal by tomorrow to avoid a shutdown of our federal government. The House proposal was not a good starting point for these negotiations.

This isn't a full list, but here's a sampling of how Rep. Rogers' federal budget proposal would impact Kentuckians:

  • The EPA has been stepping up in making sure that Kentuckians have clean, safe drinking water. The House's proposal would cut $25 million from those efforts, undermining the EPA's progress.
  • Head Start makes sure that every child gets enters school with the tools needed to learn and thrive. The House budget proposal would cut 2,800 Kentucky children from Head Start.
  • Pell Grants help 137,000 Kentuckians afford a college education. The House proposal would cut $85 million from Pell Grants, affecting all 137,000 of these students.
  • Job training and employment services make sure that every Kentuckian has the skills to training needed to attract good jobs to our communities. The House proposal would effectively be eliminated for 3,600 dislocated workers, 37,000 low-income adults, and 4,400 young Kentuckians.
  • The House proposal would also cut $1.7 million from public safety and law enforcement in Kentucky.

What do you think? Are these cuts that would move our state forward?

Rep. Rogers' Washington number is 202-225-4601, or you can email through this link on his contact page.

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