| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

HCTC voter registration update from eastern Kentucky

Voter Registration - Hazard Community & Technical College Student Activities FairKFTC members from Perry and Letcher counties came together this week to register students at Hazard Community & Technical College to vote. We were invited to set up a KFTC voter registration booth at the HCTC Student Activities Fair on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.      

Voter Registration - Hazard Community & Technical College Student Activities Fair

Over the course of just a few hours over the two days, we registered 29 students to vote, got 12 signatures for our Restoration of Felon's Voting Rights petition, and sparked some interesting conversations about why it is important to vote, even if - especially if! - you don't like any of the candidates that you normally see on the ballot.

We are excited to return to Hazard for the Black Gold Festival on September 20th & 21st and register many, many more southeastern Kentucky residents to vote!

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