Hearing on Thursday for Clean Energy Opportunity Act | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Hearing on Thursday for Clean Energy Opportunity Act

The House Committee on Tourism Development and Energy is expected to consider two clean energy bills when it meets on Thursday, March 22 at 10 a.m. in Room 131 of the Capitol Annex in Frankfort.

The committee will take testimony on HB 167, The Clean Energy Opportunity Act, a bill that would gradually increase the share of electricity in Kentucky that comes from energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Testimony will also be heard on HB 187, a bill that would encourage investment in renewable energy by allowing commercial-scale renewable systems to connect to the grid through an arrangement called net-metering.

While no vote will be held, this hearing is an important opportunity to inform lawmakers about the benefits of clean energy solutions and build support for policies that can lower energy costs for families and businesses and boost economic development in Kentucky.

This is an important week to raise the visibility of these bills and demonstrate broad public support. You can help by taking the following actions:

1) Call the legislative message line and leave a message of support for the Clean Energy Opportunity Act (HB 167) and Expanded Net-Metering Bill (HB 187) with your Representative, Senator, and all members of the House Tourism Development and Energy Committee. The number is 1-800-372-7181.

2) Write a letter to the editor of local and statewide papers expressing support for Clean Energy policies.  Email [email protected] if you'd like some suggested talking points.

3) Come to Frankfort on Thursday morning to help us make a visible show of support for these bills in the committee room. Again, that meeting will take place on Thursday, March 22 at 10 a.m. in Room 131 of the Capitol Annex.

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