Help show KFTC love for mountains in meeting with Governor | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Help show KFTC love for mountains in meeting with Governor

On May 13th KFTC will have our first meeting with Governor Beshear.  KFTC has tried to meet with Governor Beshear for the past three years and are finally getting a meeting.  We are excited to have the opportunity to talk to Governor Beshear about ending mountain-top removal coal mining, moving beyond coal, and transitioning to a new economy in Eastern Kentucky that protects our land, water, and people.  Because we only have a half-hour and the Governor is only willing to meet with seven KFTC members, we need your help.


Help us convey the importance of this issue, the size and scope of the devastation that mountain-top removal coal mining is creating, and how many Kentuckians care about this issue. 

Please submit to KFTC artwork, photos, essays, letters, poems, personal stories, or any other forms of expression you have.  How do you feel about mountain-top removal?  What do you think transitioning to clean energy means for future generations? What do you think about the people and land of Eastern Kentucky?  Please tell us with your words, pictures, and ideas!

All work will be compiled and hand-delivered to Governor Beshear during our meeting with him.  KFTC will also use all of the wonderful submissions in our work year-round to promote a healthy and sustainable future for Kentucky!  All items are due by May 10th to ensure enough time to compile them.  Please call Carissa at 859-893-1147 with any questions.

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