Herald-Leader Editorial - rtwaqUnfair penalties for ex-felonsrtwaq | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Herald-Leader Editorial - rtwaqUnfair penalties for ex-felonsrtwaq

Unfair penalties for ex-felons
From March 12th's Kentucky Herald-Leader

What is it that state Sen. Damon Thayer, R-Georgetown, has against voting?

Thayer, as chairman of the senate's State and Local Government Committee, has been sitting on a bill, passed by the House 83-14, that would allow Kentucky voters to determine whether the state constitution should be amended to automatically restore voting rights to most felons who have served their sentences.

Thayer, in a written statement to the Herald-Leader, confirmed his lack of interest in this legislation. Although voting rights are important, he said, "breaking the law does and should have consequences." Agreed, but isn't that what a prison term is about? Does one felony conviction mean a person should be denied a basic right of citizenship forever, long after a sentence has been served?

Thayer says he's met with supporters of the proposal but has "yet to be persuaded to change the current process." The problem is, he won't even give anyone else a chance to consider that change.

As a result, the full Senate won't get to vote on it nor will we, Kentucky's voters. Finally, it means it will be just that much harder for thousands of Kentuckians who have served their time and returned to society to vote...


For the full Herald-Leader Editorial, click Here.

Please take a moment to write a letter to the editor in response to this editorial and supporting voting rights for former felons.  You can even submit a letter through their online submission form.

If we send in letters that reference this editorial today, I think they're much more likely to get published and soon.

There's not reason to attack Thayer in the letter, but talk about why this issue is important to you.

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