| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

House budget falls about 30% short of what Kentuckians deserve

Kentuckians deserve a good quality of life, with good jobs, access to quality educations, vibrant communities, and healthy families. We can create this Kentucky together, but we need adequate revenue to invest in schools, community health, safeguards for our water and air, and higher ed.

But a broken tax and revenue system is standing in our way. Yesterday, the House passed a budget without first passing tax and revenue reforms. Kentucky is bracing for the 10th round of cuts since 2008. This means that over the last four years, many state agencies have been cut by about 20% to 34% since 2008.

The budget brief released by the Kentucky Economic Policy Center today says, "By not including new revenues, a budget this austere will directly impact jobs, eliminate services still vitally needed to address continued high unemployment, and limit Kentucky's ability to advance over the long-term."  Kentucky deserves a better budget. 

Because the budget passed with no additional revenue, most state agencies are facing 8% cuts. And higher ed is facing 6.4% cuts. This budget will limit what we can do with early childhood education, the waiting lists for Meals on Wheels, class sizes, tuition, and public safety and environmental protection.

Take Action!

127March 26, come in support of a better budget to KFTC's HB 127 Yard Sale! Our goal will be to raise the money that the legislators haven't raised by passing HB 127. Maybe they'll find the state some money by being customers at the HB 127 Yard Sale.

And a heads up for taking action this summer!

The next good opportunity for tax and revenue reforms is coming as the Blue Ribbon Commission fulfills its mission to hear from Kentuckians and tax policy experts about needed changes to our tax system. Below is a list of the meeting dates and locations. Plan to be at the meeting near you!

Here are the dates for the Blue Ribbon Commission meetings:

Tuesday, April 10, 1 p.m., Capitol Annex, 702 Capitol Ave., Room 154, Frankfort

Tuesday, May 8, 1 p.m., Capitol Annex, 702 Capitol Ave., Room 154, Frankfort

Tuesday, May 29, 6 p.m., Paducah

Tuesday June 19, 6 p.m., Bowling Green

Tuesday July 10, 6 p.m., Louisville

Tuesday July 24, 6 p.m., Covington

Tuesday Aug 7, 6 p.m., Prestonsburg

Tuesday Aug 21, 6 p.m., Lexington

Wednesday, Sept 19, 1 p.m., Frankfort

Tuesday Oct 2, 1 p.m., Frankfort

Thursday Nov 8, 1 p.m., Frankfort

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