House passes coal subsidies bill | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

House passes coal subsidies bill

With a vote of 87-10 the Kentucky House of Representatives passed the unprecedentedly expensive coal-conversion subsidy bill.  Representatives Wayne and Riner attempted to amend the bill to require that the coal-conversion plants capture CO2 emissions and to lower the bar for companies applying for renewable energy incentives, but the amendments were not even considered.  The bill now moves to the Senate.  It will be heard tomorrow in the Senate A&R committee.

Here is a list of those who voted against the bill:

  • Rep. Higdon

  • Rep. Marzian

  • Rep. Meeks

  • Rep. Burch

  • Rep. Wayne

  • Rep. Floyd

  • Rep. Palumbo

  • Rep. Riner

  • Rep. Stein

  • Rep. Belcher

We are asking that our members and supporters call the Legislative Message Line 1-800-372-7181 to thank the Representatives who took a stand and voted against this bill.  Also, please leave a message for members of the Senate A&R committee urging them to oppose House Bill 1

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