| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

This isn't good government. Call now.

KFTC is working for a healthy democracy--one that encourages people to vote, and that honors processes that uphold checks and balances to prevent the abuse of power.

Governor Bevin just called a Special Session beginning tonight at 8:00pm eastern. The purpose of the Special Session is to try to ram through the policies of the so-called “sewer bill,” which was passed in a way that was recently ruled unconstitutional by the Kentucky Supreme Court.

This is not how government is supposed to work. We all deserve better--as public workers, as Kentuckians who depend on public workers, and as people invested in a democratic government.

Take Action

  • Join Kentuckians tonight as folks gather in Frankfort to oppose the Special Session. Plans are fluid--the call was so last minute that several lawmakers are reportedly unable to make it--but grab some friends and head to the Capitol to be there before 8:00 if you can.
  • Call the Legislative Message Line now at 1-800-372-7181. Leave a message for your senator, your representative, and House and Senate Leadership: “I urge you to refuse the Governor’s call for a wasteful and undemocratic Special Session. Please gavel out immediately.”