| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Keep burning up those phone lines for Voting Rights!

HB 70, our bill to restore voting rights to former felons who have served their debt to society, still has a fighting chance.  KFTC members and allies are continuing to burn up the phone lines calling legislators to try to get a hearing this Wednesday on the same day as our big lobby day.  

The bill is assigned to the Senate State and Local Government committee, chaired by Senator Joe Bowen, who represents Owensboro, Daviess, and McLean counties.   He has been tentatively supportive of this legislation, but will need a good push to make sure he hears the bill this week.  If you're from this area or know others who are, please do everything you can today and tomorrow to make sure Bowen hears from constituents asking him to allow HB 70 to come to a vote on Wednesday.  

Take Action

Please take two minutes and call the legislative message line, 1-800-372-7181, leaving a message for your own senator plus "Senate Leadership" and "Senate State and Local Government Committee members." A good, simple message is "Please support HB 70." The line is open until 11 p.m. tonight.

And this Wednesday (March 6th) is our big Voting Rights Lobby Day and Rally in Frankfort. We're planning on having 200-300 people at the capitol to send a powerful message to lawmakers. We will be lobbying in the morning and holding a rally in the rotunda starting at 1 p.m. with former felon speakers, music, and more. We especially value having more former felons there to talk about their own experiences

Learn more about the day and register to attend here.

And here's our Facebook event you can use to invite friends and spread the word.

We'll see you there!

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