Kentucky Forward Rally coverage and photos | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Kentucky Forward Rally coverage and photos

KFTC and our allies in Kentucky pulled off a 500-person rally with one week's notice KY Forward Rallybecause Kentuckians know that now is the time for solutions. 

Thanks to all the KFTC members who printed flyers, organized carpools, talked to your friends and neighbors about coming out, made signs, and showed up the event ready to stand with allies in the call for fair and adequate reforms.  Now we need to make sure that the legislature continues to hear the message.  We'll be following up with legislators who came down in support of the rally--including the ones who've yet to co-sponsor our tax reform bill!

Here's a non-inclusive list of some of the media coverage:


And here are some photos by Father Pat Delahanty from the Catholic Conference: 

Some photos from KFTC member (and summer intern--yay!) Beth Bissmeyer are on her facebook page.

And a follow-up letter to the editor from Attica Scott, who gave the final words at the rally. Attica is with Kentucky Jobs with Justice, an ally in Kentucky Forward.

There are also more photos from the 24th here on our blog!

Thanks for all your work to try to move Kentucky forward!

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