| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

KFTC stands with workers

Members of the KFTC Executive Committee adopted the following statement to express KFTC's solidarity with public employees, including teachers, and all workers who are under attack by Gov. Matt Bevin and leaders in the Kentucky General Assembly.


KFTC works to create a society that honors the rights of all people, where everyone is treated with respect and dignity. We work for an open, healthy democracy and a high quality of life for all people.

The members of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth stand in solidarity with public workers and all working people under attack by Matt Bevin and the Republican leadership of the House and Senate. This includes teachers and all people working for local and state agencies whose pensions have been attacked, as well as disabled workers whose workers comp benefits will be cut, seasonal workers who would lose overtime pay, laid off workers whose unemployment benefits are under attack, and solar installers whose livelihood is threatened. Many of these folks are KFTC members, too.

We encourage all of our members to:

  • stand in solidarity with teachers and public employees as we take action in response to the pension bill railroaded through the General Assembly on March 29;
  • participate in local efforts, such as providing food and child care, to enable working people to engage in activities demanding accountability from elected officials;
  • learn how our representatives and senators voted on bills affecting working people in order to:
    • thank those who voted with workers
    • stand up to those who did not
    • use this information to support or oppose candidates in the May primary and November general elections
    • get involved with KFTC's Action for Democracy voter engagement work to help elect the leaders Kentucky deserves.

KFTC's Executive Committee also offers a statement urging Kentuckians to creating an inclusive movement by choosing not to play into
harmful and divisive language.

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