| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

From KFTC's Economic Justice Lobby Day

The folks at KFTC's Economic Justice Lobby Day – twenty or so, and lots of great folks we've gotten to know from Women In Transition and Network Center for Community Change, and many first-time lobbyists – met the challenge head-on of working with at least four issues (in many more bills) that would impact Kentuckians' lives. It was a full day!

Members have seen real potential in the combination of raising the wage and enacting a state EITC, so lots of conversations were encouraging legislators to support these policies that, together, would make a significant difference in the lives of hundred of thousands of Kentuckians.

But members also had to defend against some policies that would bring harm: the Local Option Sales Tax (HB 399) and the AT&T bill (SB 99). We've learned this morning that the AT&T bill passed through the House Economic Development Committee with a committee substitute – not good news. But legislators who'd supported the Local Option Sales Tax – many of them KFTC allies – seemed receptive and responsive to members' concerns. And we forged some new collaborative strategies for supporting comprehensive state tax reforms in the Kentucky Forward Bill.

Many, many thanks to all the folks who came out and called in yesterday!

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