KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Enforcement a sham under agreement with Nally & Hamilton

Posted by: jerry on October 5, 2011

An agreement negotiated in secret between state Energy Cabinet officials and Nally & Hamilton allows the coal company to pay minimal fines for thousands of violations of the Clean Water Act, gi

Kentucky Deserves Better - Help Us Tell Rep. Hal Rogers on October 14

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on October 4, 2011

We are Kentuckians. We want some basic things for ourselves good jobs, clean water and air, and safe and healthy families. We want adequate, honest, and transparent government. These basic things aren't much, but they're much more than Congressman Hal Rogers has delivered.

Policies that will shape our future are being debated in Congress, and Rep. Rogers has a powerful role in shaping those polices. Rogers represents Kentucky's 5th District of eastern and south-central Kentucky. As the new chair of the House Appropriations Committee, Rep. Rogers is one of the most powerful politicians in Washington. Yet, his district and Kentucky as a whole rank at or near the bottom of the nation in many important quality of life indicators.

Rural Broadband Summit & Hearing in Whitesburg

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on October 4, 2011

This invitation is from our friends at Appalshop.

Voter Registration Deadline in 7 Days

Posted by: Dave Newton on October 3, 2011

Scott County Voter Registration Report

Posted by: Dave Newton on October 2, 2011

Bruce Gordon.  Scott County KFTC members like Bruce Gordon (pictured below) registered voters at this weekend's Festival of the Horse in Georgetown.

Perry Chapter Registers Students to Vote in Hazard

Posted by: Tanya Turner on October 1, 2011

Last week the Perry Chapter was able to set up a voter registration booth in the cafeteria of Hazard Community and Technical College.  

Kentuckians Join Nationwide Support of Wall Street Action

Posted by: Jessica Hays on September 28, 2011

KentuckyElection.org is Online!

Posted by: Dave Newton on September 27, 2011

Appalachia faces Steep Decline in Coal Production

Posted by: Lisa Abbott on September 27, 2011


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