KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Member Anne Shelby to Speak about Appalachian Folk Tales in Louisville

Posted by: Nancy Reinhart on July 7, 2011

Submitted by KFTC member E. Gail Chandler

Call on Rep. Hal Rogers to make better choices!

Posted by: Jessica Hays on June 28, 2011

Coal companies continue to pollute, citizens act

Posted by: jerry on June 27, 2011

Two coal companies operating in eastern Kentucky continue to routinely and illegally discharge toxic pollutants into local streams, including streams used by several towns for their drinking water

Affordable & Green - Conference Presents What's Possible

Posted by: Nancy Reinhart on June 22, 2011

Birth defects higher in areas with mountaintop mining

Posted by: jerry on June 20, 2011

Conducted by Dr. Melissa Ahern at Washington State University, Dr.

Voter Empowerment Field Work Report

Posted by: Dave Newton on June 18, 2011


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