KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


KFTC members are "Facing Race" in Baltimore this weekend!

Posted by: Carissa Lenfert on November 16, 2012

9 KFTC members and staff are in Baltimore, MD right now participating in a large national gathering called Facing Race.

Building New Power: Members Recruiting Members

Posted by: KFTC on November 16, 2012

The KFTC annual meeting is always a chance for members to reconnect with other members and affirm their reasons for joining KFTC in the first place.

This year, members took that reflection a step further and got excited about asking others to join – asking not just one person but two.

Big News: Patriot Coal to phase out surface mining

Posted by: KFTC on November 15, 2012

From our friends at the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition:

Today, November 15, in federal court in Huntington, W.Va., Patriot Coal Corporation announced its intention to immediately begin phasing out all large scale surface mining in Appalachia. The announcement follows an historic agreement with the Sierra Club, OVEC and the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, so ably represented by attorneys from Appalachian Mountain Advocates.

Across our state, every day, ordinary people are building New Power

Posted by: KFTC Staff on November 15, 2012

Ethan quote

fundraising thermometerKFTC members work hard during the election season to build a stronger democracy. But we also work hard every day, all year long, to build New Power.

New Power means all of us working together for the things we all want: more and better jobs, affordable clean energy, fair taxes, healthier communities, and an honest democracy for all of us.

Will you invest in this vision?

This month we’re launching our fall fundraising campaign. The money we raise helps us do this work every day, all year long. It enables us to lobby in Frankfort, register thousands of voters across Kentucky, and work at the local level to improve our communities.

If you’re already a member, renew your dues today

If you’re not yet a member, will you make a contribution this fall to become a member of KFTC and help us build New Power? If you would prefer to donate over the phone, please call us at 606-878-2161.



Northern Kentucky Loves Mountains Recap!

Posted by: Joe Gallenstein on November 15, 2012

The Northern Kentucky chapter didn’t take any time off after the election, immediately pivoting to their 3rd Annual Northern Kentucky Loves Mountains.

Progressive or regressive?

Posted by: KFTC on November 9, 2012

The goal for the Blue Ribbon Commission is to suggest reforms that will create a tax system that meets these principles:

  • Fairness
  • Competitiveness
  • Simplicity and Compliance
  • Elasticity
  • Adequacy

The Blue Ribbon Commission on Tax Reform took steps toward formulating a set of recommendations to overhaul Kentucky’s tax system at a day-long meeting on Thursday, with both some hopeful actions and some discouraging discussions.

Commissioners spent several hours talking about changes in individual income taxes, and put together a package of suggested reforms. There was broad support for a state refundable Earned Income Tax Credit, and they ended up settling on a level at 15% of the federal EITC – exactly what KFTC has supported in the Kentucky Forward Plan!

Northern Kentucky Loves Mountains Tomorrow!

Posted by: Joe Gallenstein on November 9, 2012

The Northern Kentucky chapter of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth is hosting it's third annual Northern Kentucky Loves Mountains at

Voting Rights in the News

Posted by: Dave Newton on November 9, 2012

This segment aired on News Channel 12 in Bowling Green this week. 

Election Day "By the Numbers"

Posted by: Dave Newton on November 7, 2012

IMG_0395Our 2012 voter empowerment work has been relentless, thoughtful, genuine, deep, and powerful. 

We'll spend weeks analyzing and evaluating our work, but some numbers are starting tu surface that we can start to use to measure how we did. 

So here it it, the 2012 election "by the numbers."

It's 6:00 p.m. Central Time and all polls in Kentucky are now closed.

Posted by: Dave Newton on November 6, 2012

It's 6:00 p.m. Central Time and all polls across the Commonwealth of Kentucky are now closed. 


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