KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Northern Kentucky chapter reaching out

Posted by: Joe Gallenstein on August 6, 2012

The Northern Kentucky chapter of Kentuckians for the Commonwealth returned to two festivals this year to continue to build upon existing relationships with key ally organizations in the region.

National voter suppression efforts laid out on Bill Moyers show this week

Posted by: Carissa Lenfert on August 5, 2012

The Bill Moyers show this week focused on the topic of voting rights. He interviewed folks from the Brennan Center for Justice who have a recent report out The Challenge of Obtaining Voter Identification about a movement going on in state legislatures across the country trying to make voting more restrictive for some voters.

Rowan County chapter members brave fierce weather to raise funds and have fun

Posted by: Doug Doerrfeld, Publicity Coordinator, Rowan County KFTC Chapter on August 4, 2012

California musicians in solidarity with Appalachians

Musician Jim Cope
Posted by: KFTC on August 3, 2012

Musicians in southern California got together recently to celebrate the mountains they know and love, and at the same time send a message of solidarity to those fighting to preserve the Appalachian

EPA water pollution limits vacated by federal court

Posted by: KFTC on July 31, 2012

orange water eKyA federal court judge did not dispute the destruction caused by mountaintop removal and valleys fills or the science behind limiting the water pollution that results, but on Tuesday he did rule that the U.S. EPA overstepped its authority in acting to limit that pollution.

H2O-rganizing builds momentum in eastern Kentucky

Posted by: Tanya Turner on July 31, 2012

Building on the successes of the first Community Organizing & Water Testing Training held in Prestonsburg back in May, over 30 people gathered in Whitesburg this past Saturday to learn, share, and grow together. Katie, an attendee who lives a few feet from the North Fork of the Kentucky River in Hazard said, "we came here to learn about community building, and in a way that’s really what we did here within this whole group.”

Monday: Ask Hal why he's against protecting miners from Black Lung

Posted by: Jessica Hays on July 27, 2012

Congressman Hal Rogers is a guest on WYMT's "Issues and Answers" on Monday, July 30, and Kentuckians are invited to submit their questions.

Northern Kentucky members weigh in at Blue Ribbon tax meeting

Posted by: Jessica Hays Lucas on July 26, 2012

Tuesday night was the 4th of six Blue Ribbon Tax Commission Public Input Meetings, and KFTC members showed up with grace and good solutions for raising revenue and making our tax structure fairer a

KFTC member hikes the Appalachian trail to raise awareness about mountaintop removal

Posted by: Ondine Quinn on July 25, 2012

Central Kentucky KFTC member Christian Torp has been hiking the Appalachian Trail since March of this year to raise awareness about the devastating practice of mountaintop removal mining and to rai

Tell Congress Today: End the Bush Tax Cuts for the Wealthy!

Posted by: Jessica Hays on July 20, 2012

Right now Congress is debating a Senate bill that would raise $800 billion over the next decade by rolling back most of the Bush tax cuts, letting the wealthiest 2% once again pay their fair share.


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