| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Louisville Loves Mountains Youth Essay Contest

Make your voice heard at Louisville Loves Mountains 2013!

I Love Mountains Day 2012 We know that young Kentuckians care deeply about our mountains and mountain communities. This year, we want to make sure their voices are heard loud and clear at Kentuckians For The Commonwealth’s Louisville Loves Mountains Festival on Longest Ave and Bardstown Road, May 17th from 4-10 pm.

That is why we are asking young people to share their written thoughts and ideas for a brighter future for our mountains. And then they can help us deliver those ideas to everyone at Louisville Loves Mountains where we will announce the winners of our essay contest.

What is Louisville Loves Mountains: Heine Brother’s Coffee, Carmichael’s Bookstore, and Kentuckians For The Commonwealth’s annual Louisville Loves Mountains Festival draws more than 1,000 Kentuckians each year. Concerned citizens of all ages and walks of life come together to call learn about the destruction created by mountain-top removal coal mining in Kentucky and the need to begin a just transition to a more diverse, sustainable, and thriving economy in the mountains. The festival is outdoors on Longest Ave in the Highlands and has educational booths, food, music, and lots of fun!

Essay Contest Topic: “Why we need to protect our mountains and mountain communities” 

Essay Contest Awards:

One Grand Prize (all ages): The top-winning essay author will be given a 2013 Louisville Loves Mountains t-shirt, Carmichael’s Bookstore t-shirt, a $50 gift card to Heine Brother’s Coffee, $50 gift certificate to Carmichael’s Bookstore.

Two Runners Up: Our runners up from the two other age categories will be given a 2013 Louisville Loves Mountains t-shirt, Carmichael’s Bookstore t-shirt, a $25 gift card to Heine Brother’s Coffee, and a $20 gift certificate to Carmichael’s Bookstore. 

Eligibility: Any youth, age 5 to 18, who lives in Kentucky is eligible. We will select one winner in each of the categories below and print their winning essay for display at the festival:   • Age5to10   • Age11to14   • Age15to18

Rules: Essays must address the topic “Why we need to protect our mountains and mountain communities.” Essays should be no longer than 400 words.

Deadline: Essays must be submitted by Friday, May 3rd, 2013.

Where to submit essay: Essays should be submitted either by mail to Kentuckians For The Commonwealth 901 Franklin St. Louisville, KY 40206, or by email to [email protected]. Essays should include the author’s name, age, school, phone number, home address, and, if applicable, the author’s teacher’s name.

Spread the word: Please pass along this announcement to anyone you know who may be interested! 

For more information, contact KFTC staff person Alicia Hurle at 502-589-3188 or [email protected]

Issue Area(s): 

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