Members come to Frankfort for Economic Justice | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Members come to Frankfort for Economic Justice

Members covered a *lot* of great economic justice ground in Frankfort yesterday.  We had good meetings with key legislators, lobbying for a set of policies that would move Kentucky forward, and against a set of policies that would send us backward. And, we had a great press conference to announce the Kentucky Forward Plan!

Check out the photos from the press conference! Economic Justice Committee members Linda Stettenbenz gave an incredible speech, excerpted below:

Even though, like so many, I’ve really struggled here for access to school and a good job, I’m sticking it out—because I know there are a lot of good things here worth preserving, things that are worth building on.  I want to be a part of making Kentucky into the state that I know—that many of us know—it can b

We need to start thinking about what kind of Kentucky we want.  I want to see a Kentucky where prosperity and opportunity abounds for working families and communities.  One where we invite a new, green economy, one of the fastest growing economic sectors, with some of the brightest potential for good jobs.  One where necessary government functions that help keep everyone safe and healthy—like the Poison Control Hotline, mental health clinics, and drug courts—are not continually facing cuts, but instead are properly maintained for ourselves and protected for future generations.

We have the opportunity right now to bring ourselves  closer to the Kentucky that we want.  The revenue raised in Rep. Wayne’s bill will help us move closer to the Kentucky that lives up to our values.  I believe we can get there, that we can change the course of Kentucky, and make a lasting impact to bring ourselves closer to the Kentucky that we want.


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