| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

New Power & Clean Energy this session...by the numbers:.

KFTC Members and Allies Are Moving the Clean Energy Conversation Forward!

  • Number of Kentuckians participating in lobby trainings on the Clean Energy Opportunity Act: 200+
  • Number of attendees at the February 13th clean energy reception: 75
  • Number of legislators in attendance: 16
  • Number of legislators who attended last year's clean energy event: 2
  • Number of Kentuckians who lobbied during the 2012 clean energy lobby day: 60
  • Number of Kentuckians who lobbied during the 2011 clean energy lobby day: 40
  • Number of meetings with legislators about the Clean Energy Opportunity Act during the 2012 lobby day: 50
  • Number of meetings with legislators about the Clean Energy Opportunity Act during the 2011 lobby day: 20
  • Number of clean energy bills supported by KFTC that were heard during the 2012 session: 3
  • Number of clean energy bills that were heard during the 2011 session: 1
  • Number of clean energy bills that passed this year: 0

To change that last number, there's much to do. We're building New Power at KFTC.  Want to get involved? Contact [email protected].

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