| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

NKY member hosts Tax Justice powerbuilding party

NKY member Serena Owen hosted a Tax Justice Powerbuilder party in Covington a few weeks ago, and we're just now getting the chance to show off some of the photos!

Serena has been shining the light on how Kentucky's budget is impacting her community of Elsmere, and her own beautiful family. She invited folks to the party who share her care for the community, like the pastor of a local church and Rep. Arnold Simpson, excited to share KFTC's work on tax justice with a broader set of community members. 

Members, partygoers, and Rep. Simpson talked about Kynect, tax and revenue reform, employment, and strenghtening communities in Northern Kentucky.  The chapter is planning a follow-up Tax Justice Workshop for Feb. 16th at the Center for Great Neighborhoods in Covington. Join in and bring your friends!

Rep. Simpson and Serena Owen

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