| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Northern Kentucky voter registration update!

Northern Kentucky, not to be forgotten, has had it's own share of success this voter registration season. The chapter has managed to register over 270 voters thus far, and is hoping to build upon this success by offering more opportunities for voters to learn more about the candidates seeking office this year.

The success has come from a variety of places, but beginning with the Covington Farmers Market. All year our members have been at that market registering voters, and talking about our issues. The tables have resulted in a growing recognition of the work KFTC does, and has helped establish the relationships that have been key in planning Northern Kentucky Loves Democracy!


 This work has been supplemented by great success at the local libraries, where members have been registering voters since the end of August. Focusing on the population centers of each county, the chapter has been registering voters at the Covington branch in Kenton county, the Newport branch in Campbell county, and the Florence branch in Boone county. This work has been aided by a continuing partnership with volunteers from the Boone County High School National Honor Society.


Complimenting the above work, the Northern Kentucky chapter has been working with students at Thomas More College to register voters, as well as rotating from campus to campus at Gateway Community and Technical College. Through this work the chapter hopes to increase voter participation from youth populations in Northern Kentucky elections, as well as build a better dialogue about what makes a strong democracy.


Members in northern Kentucky will not be resting on their laurels though, as they hope to use these events to help voters become more educated about the election by inviting them out to a series of upcoming events. A candidate meet and greet, aimed at bringing together voters from across Northern Kentucky to meet candidates for local elected office, will be held on October 7th at Groove Coffee House. KFTC is also partnering with the Newport Citizens Advisory Council and Brighton Center to bring together a candidate forum for Newport City Commission candidates on October 18.

The chapter hopes that this work, along with get out the vote calls and the voter guides, will help encourage more voters to turn out to the polls on November 6.


Partnering with KFTC is key to the success of the Covington Farmers Market this year. A farmers market is a 'node' in a growing network of necessarry connectivity as we forge new definitions of community.  And our market is healthier not only because of tomatoes and squash but because of Joe Gallenstein and his team that help our customers become more than just consumers. Thanks to KFTC our market is engaged.

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