KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


The Appalachian voyage ends but the journey is just beginning..

Posted by: Christian Torp on October 17, 2012

Christian Torp has been hiking the Appalachian trail since March of this year to raise awareness about the destructive practice of mountain top removal mining and to raise money for Kentuckians for the Commonwealth. These are his reflections as his voyage comes to a close.

Appalachian Community Economic Series

Posted by: Tanya Turner on October 16, 2012

This Saturday our friends over in Wise Co., VA, Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards (SAMS), begin the first of a string of workshops called the Appalachian Community Economic Series.  Better kno

KFTC registers 4,814 voters!

Posted by: Dave Newton on October 16, 2012

With voter registration drives in our 13 chapters across the state, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth has worked hard leading up to the Oct 9th voter registration deadline. We’ve held voter registration events in chapters across the state – from our very newest chapter in Danville registering 68 voters over a 3-day period – to the Jefferson chapter that brought in close to 1,400. 

We tabled at dozens of community festivals and events in eastern and northern Kentucky, ran many door-to-door canvases in low-income communities, held a few heavy-hitting campus registration drives at EKU, WKU, UofL and UK, and in general did a great job of getting out and reaching people in communities that need to be heard louder in our democracy. Leading up to the deadline, we even held 36- and 48-hour-straight voter registration marathons in Lexington and Louisville, respectively!

In all, hundreds of volunteers managed to register 4,814 voters total – and also spread a lot of key information to get other ready and motivated to vote. 

But our work doesn’t stop with voter registration...

Absentee Voting, 2012

Posted by: Dave Newton on October 15, 2012

IMG_0574Kentucky does not allow early voting or unexcused absentee voting, but there are quite a few circumstances under which you might be able to vote by mail or cast your vote in advance of the election at your local County Clerk's office.  

First, think about where you're going to be on Tuesday, November 6th.  Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.  Also, figure out where you're registered to vote now.  If you're not sure, you can find your voting location by typing in your name and date of birth at the State Board of Elections website HERE. 

If you won't be able to make it out to vote at that time and place, you'll be able to apply for an absentee ballot or cast your vote early only if you fall into one or more of these categories

Calling all artists and serious pie makers - Arty Pie Party

Posted by: Rosanne Fitts Klarer on October 15, 2012

gIMG_2094We seek conscientious artists and craft folks who want to stand up for social justice in Kentucky by contributing their work for our friend- and fund-raiser: the Scott County Chapter of KFTC'S Third Annual Arty Pie Party on November 17th at 7:30 p.m.

We warmly invite you to attend and hear what we're up to. Plus we have a blast with great live gypsy music, delicious pies and spirited conversations. KFTC gives voice to thousands around the state who join together in order to improve our lives.

TWO Singing For Democracy Gospel Festivals soon

Posted by: Dave Newton on October 15, 2012

We've held nine Singing For Democracy Gospel Fests over the last few years to restore voting rights to former felons who have served their time.


Operation voter madness a success in Lexington!

Posted by: Ondine Quinn, CKY Organizer on October 8, 2012


You may have seen in the Herald Leader last week that groups all over town were focusing on registering as many voters as possible before the deadline this coming Tuesday October 9th. The central Kentucky chapter held a 36 hour voter registration marathon in Lexington over the weekend. Starting on Friday October 5th at 6am and going until 6pm on Saturday October 6th, volunteers registered people to vote at the transit center, on UK campus, the Catholic Action center, the William Wells Brown community center, local bars, Tolly Ho, Spaulding Donuts, Race for the Cure, The farmers market, N. Limeston coffee and donuts, the Village Branch library and door to door around the Lexington rescue mission in the Georgetown St. area.

Jefferson County chapter registers 319 students in two days at UofL

Posted by: Linda Stettenbenz on October 8, 2012

The Jefferson County KFTC Chapter had two very successful days of voter registration at University of Louisville, thanks to the organizing efforts of KFTC members Emily Nordling, Elijah McKenzie, and Tim Darst. Emily is a recent U of L graduate and arranged sponsorship for us with the Honors Society, one of the student organizations she has been active with. Elijah is a current U of L student and Bonner Scholar who reached out to Tim, a member and officer of GRASS, an organization of students working to foster environmental sustainability and awareness on campus.  GRASS sponsored a second appearance by our members to register voters on campus.

kftc 2012electoral at u of lOn September 27, our table sponsored by the Honors Society registered 97 voters, with a good deal of help from Honors Society volunteer Taryn Cantrell.  She says of her experience with us, “It was an amazing experience to register over 100 students, knowing that I made an impact.  Though I did not know much about KFTC before volunteering, I am very glad I got the opportunity to be acquainted because many of its issues and concerns deal with my hometown of Pikeville.  I love my hometown and hope to return there someday to give back to the place that has given so generously to me. ”

Voter Registration Deadline TOMORROW, Oct 9th

Posted by: Dave Newton on October 8, 2012

ScottCroppedVoter registration cards must be turned into the correct County Clerk's office by the end of business hours on Tuesday, Oct 9th, or postmarked and mailed to either the correct County Clerk or the State Board of Elections on the same date.

Today is Columbus Day, so the post offices are closed.  Some County Clerk's offices are remaining open today, though, so take advantage of that. 

If you've engaged in any work to get your friends and neighbors registered, make sure those cards are turned in. 

Voter Registration Outreach today in Georgetown

Posted by: Dave Newton on October 6, 2012


Members of the Scott County Chapter of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth were out today at the Festival of the Horse in Georgetown canvassing the crowds and registering more people just days before the Oct 9th deadline. 

We only registered about a dozen voters, but at least twice that many people stopped ut to ask questions about what candidates will be on the ballot, how to cast an absenttee ballot, or about some other election-related question.  Others remembered our Scott County Voter Guide from the primary election and let us know that they're looking forward to receiving one for the General Election.


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