| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Raise Your Voice for Clean Energy in Kentucky!

Kentuckians are ready to reap the benefits of clean energy. Energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions are already working in Kentucky to reduce energy costs, create jobs and improve our health and well-being. But new policies are needed before we can realize the full benefits of this transition.. We can't afford for Kentucky's workers, families and businesses to be left behind as other states ramp up their investments in one of the fastest growing sectors of our national economy.

Your voice is needed to urge Kentucky's General Assembly to pass HB 167, the Clean Energy Opportunity Act.

HB 167, sponsored by Rep. Mary Lou Marzian, asks utilities in Kentucky to gradually increase the share of their electricity mix that comes from renewables and energy efficiency. A recent study projects that over the next ten years this could create 28,000 net new jobs and result in lower average bills, compared to the "do nothingâ€ scenario.

Kentucky cannot afford to do nothing!

Take Action

Here are two ways you can help support this important legislation:

1) Call the toll-free message line (1-800-372-7181) and leave a message for your state Senator and state Representative. A suggested message is: It's time to invest in clean energy solutions that can put Kentuckians to work and curb energy costs for families, farms and businesses. Please support HB 167.â€

2) Come to Frankfort on Tuesday, February 28 to participate in a lobby day sponsored by the Kentucky Sustainable Energy Alliance. You don't have to be an expert. We'll provide materials and a quick orientation in Room 113 of the Capitol Annex starting at 9 a.m. Then you'll set out in small groups to talk with legislators about the benefits of HB 167 and clean energy solutions. Please let us know if you plan to attend by registering here. Questions? Contact Lisa Abbott at [email protected] or 859-200-5159

More Information:

More information about HB 167 and the Kentucky Sustainable Energy Alliance can be found at www.kysea.org

A factsheet about HB 167 can be found here.

A recent article by Matt Partymiller, operating manager of Solar Energy Solutions, can be found here.

A copy and executive summary of the recent study about the jobs potential of HB 167 can be found here.

Thank you for taking action!

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