KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Now's our chance - double your donation this week!

Posted by: KFTC staff on December 1, 2015

Thanks to all of you who have made a gift to KFTC during our membership and fundraising campaign.

We have some great news! In this last week of the campaign, we have the opportunity to double the impact of every gift we receive. A generous KFTC member has offered to match every gift dollar for dollar if we can raise $50,000. And we have to raise it this week.

Voting rights action by Gov. Beshear a huge win for a healthy democracy

Posted by: KFTC staff on November 24, 2015

Kentuckians throughout the state are elated that Gov. Steve Beshear has taken steps to restore the voting rights for tens of thousands of state residents.

“Pretty awesome,” is how KFTC member Mantell Stevens reacted to the news. “To be able to vote means a lot to me. I always encourage people to vote, but now I can lead by example. I tell my nieces and nephews the importance of voting, but I could never vote myself.

“To be able to actually go and vote and to show them the importance of participating in democracy will mean so much to me,” added Stevens, who lost his right to vote in 2000 after spending 30 days in jail and three years on probation for a drug possession charge.

Give today and build twice the power

Posted by: KFTC Executive Committee on November 9, 2015

We joined KFTC to work with others to build power and make change. Since then, we’ve been on a journey together, with you and thousands of other Kentuckians.

Changes in Madison County on Election Day

Posted by: KFTC Staff on November 6, 2015

Voters in Madison County may have noticed something a little different at the polls this Election Day. 


How did these signs come to be? The process started just this past September in Berea, a small community in Madison County, when the city held a special election. While there was good voter turn out, not all went smoothly. There were many reports of confusion at the polls and voters being turned away for not possessing a state issued ID.  The members of the Madison County chapter of KFTC decided this could not happen again.

Thoughts on the election from KFTC's chair

Posted by: Dana Beasley Brown on November 4, 2015

Dear friends,

Like many of you, I'm deeply concerned about the election outcomes. All night, I kept thinking about what we do and where we go from here. In those moments, I was grateful to be part of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth. We are exactly what we need.

I woke up this morning and heard about so many of you inviting your loved ones to join KFTC, and the responses that you've had. Truly, we are our best hope for change. We have to dig in today, right now, to build the people power we'll need to protect our commonwealth, and to build a brighter future.

I want to share one of the posts that inspired me this morning, from Tanya Torp, KFTC's Vice-Chair. So far, ten Kentuckians have joined KFTC from  reading Tanya's post. Other Kentuckians have joined since the election, too, maybe after hearing from some of you. 

Friends, now is the time for us to get to work. Reach out to your friends. Invite them to join. Let's organize. 


Dana Beasley Brown
KFTC Chairperson



Become a PowerBuilder for KFTC this Fall

Posted by: KFTC staff on October 26, 2015

Vice Presidential Debate, Centre College 2012

KFTC is gearing up for an exciting fall campaign to grow our membership, raise funds and build power to do important work across Kentucky in 2016.

Want to help? Become a PowerBuilder.

What does it mean to be a PowerBuilder? You host a personal online page to recruit new members and raise funds for KFTC. It’s an opportunity to engage your family and friends in this work that’s important to you.

PowerBuilders have a big impact. In 2014, our PowerBuilders together raised $18,000 and recruited 153 new members to KFTC! Their success supported on-the-ground work in communities across Kentucky this year – campaigns for a fair wage, affordable housing, renters’ rights, Appalachian transition, and more.

It’s easy. It takes just a few steps to build your page. You can tell your KFTC story and include photos and video.

Questions? Need help getting started? Contact KFTC’s Development Team: Amy Hogg ([email protected]) or E’Beth Adami ([email protected]).

An Open Letter To The Lexington City Council From The Central Kentucky Chapter of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Posted by: Staff on October 23, 2015

We are the Central Kentucky chapter of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, and we believe that all Lexington’s workers deserve a wage that can sustain themselves and their families.

Empower Kentucky will build a state energy plan “that works for everybody”

Posted by: KFTC staff on October 20, 2015

Empower Kentucky, an ambitious project to re-shape Kentucky’s energy future based on a vision “that works for everybody” was announced today by KFTC members.

“Over the next year KFTC will invite thousands of people from all walks of life to share their vision and ideas for transforming Kentucky’s energy system,” said Sean Hardy of Louisville. “Then, together, we will write our own energy plan, one that works for everybody, all of us.

Federal grants support economic transition efforts for eastern Kentucky

Posted by: KFTC staff on October 15, 2015

KFTC members are applauding the Obama administration’s commitment to a just economic transition for eastern Kentucky through the investments in people and communities reflected in several

Recap of 2nd Annual Smoketown GetDown

Posted by: Shavaun Evans on October 14, 2015

Last month the Jefferson County Chapter hosted the 2nd annual Smoketown GetDown for Democracy block party: the party hasn’t stopped since!  The event was a celebration of the history of the Smoketo


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