Restoration Lobby Day this past Tuesday
We had a strong focus lobby day in Frankfort on Tuesday to restore voting rights to former felons who have served their debt to society. The group of around 200 members and allies included scores of former felons had tremendous enthusiasm, heightened when House Bill 70 received the approval of the House Elections & Constitutional Amendments Committee with a 6-2 vote with one abstention that morning.
The participants broke into lobby teams and met with dozens of legislators, securing many pledges to vote for or co-sponsor the bill. HB 70 now has 15 co-sponsors, plus chief sponsor Jesse Crenshaw!
Part-way through the day we held a Speak Out with ten speakers, including seven former felons, sharing powerful stories. People Advocating Recovery, the ACLU, NAACP (Hazard) and Kentucky Fairness Alliance were among the groups represented in the geographically and racially diverse crowd.
Together people change the world, with one act of kindness, with one vote. So ask me, do I believe in the right to vote? Yes I do..."
"Sometimes people just need a little hope. I believe voting can be that hope"
- Mitchell Ford, Former Felon from Louisville
If they stop us from voting, they don't have to pay attention to us's like we're invisible... (When) the man or woman has paid their debt to society...restore them their full citizenship! Give them the right to say and do their piece."
- George Moorman, Former Felon from Lexington
Voting is a cornerstone to the democratic process, and (not restoring the vote) marginalizes a whole part of society... I would just like to be able to pursue the American dream, to do the best I can."
- Travis Burton, Former Felon from Perry County
In the day's debrief, members shared powerful stories of the day - legislators whose support they gained an things that they learned - particularly from each other.
Many participants also pledged to return and lobby again, call the legislative message hotline, put together an at-home event, join Kentuckians For The Commonwealth or write a letter to the editor.
We had small at-home events in two communities that same night, and there is a lot to do in the days ahead to pick up support in the House, encourage House leadership to call the bill for a vote soon, then have lots of contact with senators to get the bill passed there as well.
For now, many thanks to those who came out and made the day a success.
KFTC member Katie Goldey contributed to this pieceRecent News
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