| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Ride the Big Bus from East KY to Frankfort for I Love Mountains Day!

Hazard stop!

I love Mountains 2011Back by popular demand this year, Tootie (driver) and the infamous charter bus out of Neon, KY will be delivering East Kentuckians to I Love Mountains Day on Thursday, Feb. 14th!  Grab all the friends and family you can find and get to one of the 4 pick-ups along HWY 15 and the Parkway.  The bus will be pulling out at:

  • 7:00 am from Whitesburg Food City
  • 8:00 am from Hazard HCTC campus
  • 9:00 am from Manchester Walmart
  • 9:45 am from London I-75 Exit 41 - Wendy's /Truck Stop

Please aim to meet the bus 15 minutes early.

There may be some lunch snacks on the bus, but everyone is encouraged to pack a lunch.

Bus group pic w/ 300 pinwheelsI love Mountains 2011

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