| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Take One Step To Advance Clean Energy in Kentucky

House Bill 239, the Clean Energy Opportunity Act, sponsored by Representative Mary Lou Marzian (D), will be heard in committee this Thursday. This bill would jumpstart a state clean energy market and create thousands of new jobs. KFTC supports this bill - learn more about the bill here.  Here is how you can help:

Attend the hearing of, the Clean Energy Opportunity Act...
Thursday, March 3rd. 10 a.m. Frankfort, Capitol Annex, Room 131. Learn more here.

Or, if you can't make the hearing, call the members of the committee where it's assigned in support of the bill. 

Call: 1 (800) 372-7181

Leave a message for members of the House Tourism Development and Energy Committee (Representatives Combs, Harmon, Kim King, Steele, Adams, Bratcher, Clark, Dossett, Edmonds, Flood, Gooch, Greer, Hall, Henley, Kerr, Martha Jane King, McKee, Osborne, Short, Wuchner, and York)

Message: "I support House Bill 239 and am glad the committee is advancing the conversation we need to have about how renewable energy and energy efficiency investments can benefit all Kentuckians by hearing this bill."

Mary Love

KFTC member Mary Love looks forward to being at the hearing. "This is the second year this bill has been introduced and we are excited to get a hearing on it. I think it's important because the bill will provide for lower electric bills and more jobs in Kentucky through use of energy efficiency and renewables and that's something we all need to be talking about."

 Read the Lexington Herald Leader's editorial in favor of this bill.

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