| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Today we say thank you. Tomorrow, we organize.

A healthy democracy is the foundation of our vision for Kentucky. That’s why we work so hard to help people participate. Our vision is bigger than any one election, and yesterday we inched a little closer to the democracy we deserve and the government we need.

Twenty-six candidates endorsed by our New Power PAC – visionary, courageous, grassroots Kentuckians – won their elections. Others bucked long odds and major hurdles, but came up just short of victory. We couldn’t be more proud of all of them.

As part of KFTC’s Action For Democracy, you played a role in the wins and the promise of this year’s election cycle. Although all the results were not what we hoped for, together we helped:

  • Elect Dana Beasley Brown, a former KFTC chairperson, to the Bowling Green City Commission
  • Elect Nima Kulkarni as the first Indian-American to serve in the Kentucky House
  • Challenge old guard candidates used to easy re-elections. First-time candidate and KFTC member Jeanie Smith got 48% of the vote against an entrenched incumbent state senator.
  • Shift the conversation and lift up our issues and our values
  • Support more women and People of Color candidates
  • Deepen the experience of KFTC members, voters and candidates across the state in building grassroots power and a healthy democracy.

And there were other bright spots in Kentucky and around the country. The U.S. House flipped, and Florida voters gave voting rights back to former felons.

Clearly, some races did not turn out the way we wanted, and there's much in Kentucky and across the country to reflect on and seek to better understand. Some folks still feel real apprehension about the direction our state and nation are headed. But now is not the time to give in or slow down. We have to keep building grassroots power.

Over the last year, our members talked with thousands of voters across the state. Most Kentuckians – no matter where we’re from, our color, or how much money we have – we want the same things. We want welcoming communities, opportunity, clean air and water, good jobs and great public schools, and health care for our families.

These are challenging and invigorating times. KFTC will continue to work toward a bright future, for all of us. This is a long game. Today we say thank you for your hard work. Tomorrow, we organize.