| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voter Registration Deadline Approaching April 23rd

Later this month on April 23rd is the deadline to register to vote for the May 22nd Primary Election in Kentucky, so KFTC is ramping up its voter registration field work.

Earlier today, EKU grad students Meagan Wheeler and Molly Johnson organized a voter registration table on campus. They also talked to people about our campaign to restore voting tights to former felons who have served their debt to society and passed out information about HB 70.  

Meagan and Molly also designed refrigerator magnets to remind people when election day is.

There are lots of other KFTC voter registration opportunities throughout the state coming up including a Lexington tabling in East land Shopping Center this weekend, and Scott County events including the Kite Fest and Georgetown College Earth Day. 

More KFTC chapters will schedule voter registration outreach events as we get closer to the deadline.  

Remember also that 17 year-olds who will be 18 on November 6th or earlier can register and vote in this primary.


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