| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voting Rights amendment passes out of the House. Your support is still needed

Last week House Bill 70, our Restoration of Voting Rights amendment passed out of the state House of Representatives by a huge margin of 78-18. There is a lot of momentum behind this bill, thanks in large part to our members who have been up to Frankfort or made calls, lobbying their representatives every week since the legislative session began.

One of our newest KFTC members, James Snyder, is directly impacted by Kentucky's regressive voter laws. He decided to become a member after coming up to Frankfort to lobby with us on HB 70. James is a former felon who was an active voter in Illinois before moving to Kentucky to take care of his elderly parents. Now that he lives here, he no longer has the right to vote. "I pay taxes, but I'm not represented. Effectively, I'm not a citizen because citizenship means having a voice in government through the ballot box. It just doesn't seem right to me," says James. You can read more about James' story here.

Now as the bill moves to the Senate, we need your support again to help James and the 186,000 other Kentuckians who have lost their right to vote.


Take Action

Call the Legislative Message Line (1-800-372-7181) and ask to leave a message for your Senator and "Senate Leadership."

The line is open late until 11pm most weeknights.

Message: "Please support House Bill 70."

Thank you for taking action!


P.S. - Don't forget to com out and join us for the big Voting Rights Lobby Day and Rally on Thursday, March 8th.  

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