Voting Rights Letter to the Editor in Today's Herald-Leader | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voting Rights Letter to the Editor in Today's Herald-Leader

KFTC member and retired probation supervisor Linda Martin got this letter published in the Herald-Leader today. 

Ex-felons need vote

I'm a retired probation supervisor, serving 27 years, born and raised here in Kentucky. I am certified as a substance abuse counselor, and licensed in Ohio as a social worker and an independent chemical dependency counselor.

I know the Kentucky General Assembly is considering a bill (House Bill 70) to restore voting rights to former felons who have served their debt to society. I am very much in favor of this bill as a way to increase justice and democracy, while decreasing crime.

To deny former felons voting rights is to place an undue lifelong burden on them, which is not imposed to this extent by any other state but Virginia. A part of my love for Kentucky, my home, is its position in my mind as a place where it was always possible to make up for past errors, whatever their nature. I hope Kentucky can grant a chance for everyone to be rehabilitated and again become productive members of our society.

Linda Martin

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