| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Watch the Gov's Budget Address now. Call your rep tomorrow!

The Governor is offering his budget address right now. You can watch it on KET.

He's said that "the tricks and band-aids are about used up."  He's expected to balance most of the difference with budget cuts to the essential services of our state government, which will mean layoffs and less dependable public services.  Instead, our state legislature has the opportunity to pass HB 127, the Kentucky Forward Revenue Plan, sponsored by Rep. Wayne.

Take Action!

Economic Justice Lobby Day tomorrow

Come to Frankfort tomorrow to tell the legislature that now is their time to take leadership!

Call your legislators

If you can't come to Frankfort, call the legislative message line (1-800-372-7181) and leave a message for your representative and senator, as well as House Leadership. Here's a suggested message:
"My name is ____ and I live in _____ County. I want to see a better quality of life in Kentucky, and the time is now for the legislature to make it possible. I urge you to support HB 127, the Kentucky Forward Revenue Plan."

Write a letter to the editor

You can also write a letter to the editor of your local paper this week. Here's one way to think about the story that you want to tell:
- I live in _________ County and I’m _______. [Are you a parent? A student? A teacher? Someone who’s concerned about our water quality? Someone looking for a job?]
- I want to see __________. [Name the good things you want to see in your life and your community…Things that we all want, right?]
- But right now_______. [What’s standing in the way? What do you see instead?]
- That’s why, this session, I'm asking ________[your legislator's name] to support HB 127, the Kentucky Forward Revenue Plan sponsored by Rep. Wayne.
- This bill would raise $330 million a year that we could invest in ______________ [How does this bill work toward your vision?], while making the tax structure fairer by lowering taxes for Kentucky's low- and middle-income families.
- Kentuckians deserve a better quality of life, and we can get there with HB 127.


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