| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Weekend's Rally For Recovery a big boost to our Voting Rights campaign


This past weekend, our allies at People Advocating Recovery (PAR) held their big, annual Rally For Recovery in Louisville and KFTC members were invited as always to talk to people about our campaign to restore voting rights to former felons who have served their debt to society. 

In all, we collected over 250 postcards in support of voting rights for former felons, registered half a dozen voters, and helped over a dozen former felons to start the process to request their rights back through the Governor's office. 

Some of the former felons we met were veterans of the armed services or otherwise people who had served their time long ago.  Few had any idea what the process might be to get voting rights restored in Kentucky and some had been given a lot of misinformation in the past. 

gIMG_7056KFTC member and former felon spokesperson Tayna Fogle talked about the issue from the stage and we got to connect with a lot of people who care a lot about this issue. 

Visit our Flickr gallery for more pictures of the day. 



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