| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Write a Letter to the Editor this week

Ashland The Daily Independent 
Barbourville Mountain Advocate 
Bardstown The Kentucky Standard 
Benton Tribune Courier 
Bowling Green The Daily News 
Corbin Corbin News Journal 
Corbin Corbin Times Tribune 
Covington The Kentucky Post 
Covington The Kentucky Enquirer 
Cynthiana Cynthiana Democrat 
Danville The Advocate Messenger 
Elizabethtown The News-Enterprise 
Frankfort State Journal 
Georgetown Georgetown News-Graphic 
Glasgow Glasgow Daily Times 
Greensburg Greensburg Record-Herald 
Harlan The Harlan Daily Enterprise 
Henderson The Gleaner 
Hindman Troublesome Creek Times 
Lawrenceburg The Anderson News 
Lexington Herald-Leader 
London The Sentinel-Echo
Louisa Big Sandy News
Louisville Eccentric Observer
Louisville The Courier-Journal 
Maysville The Ledger-Independent 
Morehead The Morehead News 
Murray Murray Ledger & Times 
Nicholasville The Jessamine Journal 
Owensboro Owenboro Messenger-Inquirer 
Paducah The Paducah Sun
Paintsville The Paintsville Herald
Pikeville Applachian News Express
Prestonsburg Floyd County Times 
Richmond Richmond Register
Russellville News Democrat & Leader 
Somerset Commonwealth Journal 
Springfield The Springfield Sun 
Whitesburg The Mountain Eagle 
Williamstown Grant County News 
Winchester Winchester Sun

KFTC member Janet Tucker and League of Women Voters President Tammy Fagley each had letters to the editor published in today's Lexington Herald-Leader speaking out against the partisan redistricting process and/or in favor of Judge Shepherd's ruling nullifying it.

Writing a letter to the editor is something simple and easy that can reach thousands of Kentuckians and help to educate, organize, and build awareness around the issues that we care about.  Even very short letters can be powerful.

Letters to the editor are a free, effective way to let decision-makers and the community at-large know how you feel about important issues.

Now is a great time to write a letter that can have an impact on the General Assembly and one of KFTC's priority legislative campaigns.

John and Dave writing letters at the office

Your letter to the editor should be:
- Brief (250 words or fewer, depending on the paper), easy to read, and to the point.  Some of the best letters are just a couple of sentences long.
- Focused on one issue, and maybe even one angle of a particular issue.
- Supported by key facts.
- Personal. Describe how you are affected or why you care about this issue.
- A call to action. What do you want decision-makers and members of the public to do?

But most importantly, it should be written - and soon. 

The legislative session is nearly half over, but if you write a letter to the editor this week, it could still make an impact to help steer our legislators in a better direction. 

College Campus Newspapers
EKU Eastern Progress
Murray State News
NKU The Northerner
UK Kentucky Kernel
UofL Cardinal
WKU College Heights Herald

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