| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Yesterday at the Capitol: lobby trainings and the State of the Commonwealth

Yesterday, about 20 folks from LaGrange to Hazard came to a lobby training sponsored by KFTC at the Capitol, then headed out to kick off another year of lobbying, or as Erika Skaggs from our Central Kentucky chapter put it, "one of the things that KFTC members do best."

Members were able to catch legislators in the halls coming back out of session for some lobbying, rounding up cosponsors for our bills in support of voting rights, clean energy, and tax reform. Then, after some pizza fortification, a crew of East Kentucky members stayed for the State of the Commonwealth Address.

Members shared reflections on the address on the way home. What did you think?

  • Members were excited that the governor is committing to tax reforms that are fair, and that grow along with the economy, although we also recognize that these can be slippery words. KFTC supports tax reforms that are fair, meaning that the responsibility of paying taxes is shared equitably, and low- and middle- income Kentuckians shouldn't be asked to pay a larger share than the wealthiest citizens of the state; adequate to our state's needs and priorities; and sustainable (or elastic, able to adapt to the shifting economy).  Clearly, Governor Beshear is sharing our language about needing a tax structure that is "fair," and these words can be fuzzy but it seems like he's  advocating sustainability, too. That's a start!
  • The governor, one carload reflected on the way home, would do well to think and talk more about root causes to Kentucky's challenges, and to think more deeply about a vision that addresses those root causes.  Prescription drug prevention programs are very important, but they fall short of addressing a vision for what's really needed to build a more diverse and dynamic economy in Kentucky. We need to invest in a vision: vibrant communities, access to quality education, and a commitment to the growing clean energy economy.

 Enjoy a couple of photos from the training and the evening:

489100331East Kentuckians at the Capitol!

Did you listen to the State of the Commonwealth address? What did you think?

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