Youth members of KFTC make plans to meet with Governor Beshear's administration | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Youth members of KFTC make plans to meet with Governor Beshear's administration

KFTC youth-led MTR planning meeting

On Saturday, 14 KFTC members came together to plan a meeting with Governor Beshear's top staff this Thursday as part of "I Love Mountains" day.  They plan on talking to the governor's staff about the problems with mountaintop removal coal mining, the need to transition away from coal and towards sustainable energy, and the opportunity for jobs and a new economy that clean energy can create for Kentucky.

KFTC youth-led MTR planning meeting

They also plan on speaking to this issue with a unique perspective -- they are between the ages of 5 and 25.  They think their youth allows them to speak to the importance of investing in a clean future for Kentucky.  Stay tuned to hear about how their meeting goes and next steps that come out of the meeting. 

KFTC youth-led MTR planning meeting

And this group would love to see all of you at "I Love Mountains" day this Thursday, February 11th at 11 a.m. at the State Capitol.  More information and registration can be found at












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