Coal and Water News | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Coal and Water News

EPA report affirms Clean Air Act's health protections

March 1, 2011 at 07:00pm

A report released March 1 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that the benefits of reducing fine particle and ground level ozone pollution under the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments will reach approximately $2 trillion in 2020 while saving 230,000 people from early death in that year alone.

Kids react to mountain top removal mining

February 27, 2011 at 07:00pm
Central Kentucky


Sanctuary proposal for coal a sign of sickness

February 22, 2011 at 07:00pm

By George Ella Lyon

Let me see if I've got this right. My legislators are considering a resolution to make Kentucky a sanctuary state for coal companies. Is this possible? House and Senate committees voted to protect the destroyers of our water, our air, the foundations of our houses and health?

Beshear working to shield companies, block citizens

February 20, 2011 at 07:00pm

The Beshear administration will spend public funds to make sure that the same people who provided those tax dollars don't get a say in how well they are used to enforce the law.

Rep. Yarmuth Defends Kentucky Mountains on House Floor

February 19, 2011 at 07:00pm

During debate in the U.S. House of Representatives on a budget resolution, Rep. John Yarmuth defended the people and land of Appalachia. He asked his colleagues to vote against an amendment that would de-fund the U.S. EPA's authority to implement rules to keep coal companies from poisoning the waters that flow through communities where coal is mined.

New York Times Op-ed by Silas House on Coal

February 19, 2011 at 07:00pm

Kentucky author, KFTC member and recent governor's office occupant Silas House got this op-ed published in the New York Times this weekend. 
