Economic Justice News | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Economic Justice News

SB 6 hearing video

February 15, 2011 at 07:00pm


Immigrants' rights group stands with (and feeds) Kentucky Risers

February 13, 2011 at 07:00pm

Our friends in the immigrant community came to show solidarity with Kentucky Rising by sharing twenty Mexican dinners with the folks in the Governor's office today.

Lexington loves mountains weeks is off the a great start!

February 9, 2011 at 07:00pm
Central Kentucky

Yesterday marked the first day of Lexington loves mountains week, a five day long celebration of events leading up to I love mountains day 2011. We kicked it off with an on-air interview at WRFL 88.1 with KFTC member Greg Capillo. Greg talked about KFTC's history of empowering communities and the importance of building a new power movement in Kentucky.

SB 6, the Arizona copycat bill, does not pass House Local Government Committee

February 8, 2011 at 07:00pm

SB 6 House committee hearing 2011

Senate Bill 6, the anti-immigrant, Arizona copycat bill sponsored by Sen. John Schickel and Sen. Brandon Smith received the second of two hearings Wednesday in the House Local Government Committee. The committee didn't vote on the bill but heard about an hour of testimony that ranged from insightful and educational to irrelevant and offensive.

Immigrants Rights Lobby Day and Rally

February 7, 2011 at 07:00pm



Immigration Op-Ed from Homer White

February 6, 2011 at 07:00pm
Rolling Bluegrass

The below Op-Ed was written by Georgetown KFTC leader Homer White and appeared in this weekend's Georgetown News Graphic.

Immigration Update

February 6, 2011 at 07:00pm

This past week, about 20 KFTC members and allies came to a House Local Government Committee hearing on Senate Bill 6, an anti-immigrant bill described in an earlier blog entry here.

The bill's sponsor, Senator John Schickle, argued in favor of passing the legislation, which he hoped would be successful in removing all undocumented immigrants from the state.

Other people testifying largely represented local jails, etc. who mostly spoke to the large costs that would be generated by enforcing a law like SB 6.

Members come to Frankfort for Economic Justice

February 3, 2011 at 07:00pm

Members covered a *lot* of great economic justice ground in Frankfort yesterday.  We had good meetings with key legislators, lobbying for a set of policies that would move Kentucky forward, and against a set of policies that would send us backward. And, we had a great press conference to announce the Kentucky Forward Plan!
